Actors I Am Grateful For - Acting Podcasts, Books , Videos To Be Thankful For

I am grateful for the wisdom of others.

I am grateful for the wisdom of others.

I am so grateful for the wisdom of others. For the advice, insights and knowledge of those who have been there and done that. Who fell on their face and got up up. Who almost gave up but decided that regret was too high a price to pay.

A wealth of experience, support and inspiration for any actor looking to level up. Or just stay connected and sane in this dumpster fire that is 2020.

These are some of the acting podcasts I will be listening to while creating our Thanksgiving feast. Please check out my Resources For Actors page with my favorite books, websites, podcasts for actors. That page also has specific recommendations for voice actors.

Hollywood Winners Circle with Wendy Alane Wright - This tells you everything you need to know. I wish I had this 20 years ago.

Audrey Helps Actors with Audrey Moore

The Acting Podcast with Risa Bramon Garcia & Steve Braun of BGB Studio

1 Broke Actress with Sam Valentine

The Actor CEO with Mike Moreno

That One Audition with Alyshia Ochse

VO Buzz Weekly with Chuck Duran and Stacey Aswald

Casting Actors Cast with one of my teachers, Jeffrey Driesbach

Workshops and Informative Social Media

Erica Bream

Jenna Doolittle

Danielle Eskinazi

Marc Gus

Jen Euston

Marci Liroff

Nancy Naylor